

Hi ✋
I'm 19 years old, from Poland, who is devoted, generally speaking, to improving himself. I have interest in Theory of Constraints Artificial Intelligence and Effective Altruism.
What are the motives to create the blog?
  1. Sharing the ideas that, whether I published them or not I would learn and apply. There is the so-called The Protégé Effect (shortly:when you teach someone your learning/understanding boosts) and I would clarify because they were crossing my mind for a while and ask for testing them.
  1. It is a way to keep personal stuff for myself and my CV.
  1. To improve writing & English.
Me at jsPolandConf
Me at jsPolandConf
Priciples of this blog
  1. Not exaggaration nor generalisation.
  1. No lies
Simply sometimes it can be tempting to write something only to show off. But I don’t want me and my writing to do it.